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New To Tulare? Here's A List of The Best Schools In The Area

Admin | July 12, 2024 @ 12:00 AM

New Residents

Moving to Tulare County? Our population has steadily risen since 2010 and this year is no different. Tulare's notoriety as an agricultural powerhouse has led to families moving to the area in search of better employment. The agriculture industry alone produced more than $6.5 billion last year, crops like almonds, oranges, and pistachios make up a large percentage of the city's total revenue. Livestock and poultry are another source of income that raise up Tulare, the animals sold account for $800 million, an increase of 12% from the previous year. The livestock industry is now a cornerstone of Tulare County, the increased price of cattle led to an increase of 12%, which demonstrates the agricultural powerhouse that is Tulare County, poultry alone brought in $47 million, a marked decrease following the dropping prices per chicken, Crops make up the other half of Tulare's agricultural revenue, fruits and vegetables grown in Tulare County include pistachios, almonds, corn, tangerines, and silage. Other counties produce less with a higher population, crops brought in over $700 million in the year of 2022, as food prices continue to increase so do the jobs available in the area. As high-paying jobs increase so does the number of families moving to the city, the farming industry alone employs nearly 30% of the County's entire workforce. The growth of agriculture and industry has created new jobs year after year for new residents and low-income families alike. Tulare's agricultural industry is comparable to small countries, the county alone is a greater food producer than anywhere else in the United States.

A Great Place To Raise A Family

Tulare is an ideal place to retire, the beautiful landscape and closeness to other major cities make Tulare a great choice for those looking to move somewhere permanently. Surrounding cities like Fresno have a similar median income to the city of Tulare, despite having nearly double the population. Fresno reaching 1 million residents before economist predictions is consistent with trends other major cities face following an industry boom. Tulare is home to less than 500,000 residents and is only $2000 behind the median income of a city with twice its population. The growth of this city, which is still small by comparison, is a testament to the work of Tulare's residents. New residents should be aware of the best place to educate their family upon moving in, Standardized test scores and teacher ratios can help influence one's decision one way or another, research should be conducted thoroughly and unbiased,

Test Results Compared To Surrounding Areas

How do Tulare's standardized test scores compare to surrounding communities? Compared to cities like Fresno, Bakersfield and Visalia Tulare has exceptional test scores. The standardized English test scores for Tulare have been improving as the population continues to grow, nearly 80% of high school students did not meet the English language arts state average, and less than ten years later, that number is below 70%. The advancement and growth of a particular city directly coincide with the increase in standardized test scores. In the same year, 2015, more than 90% of students failed to meet the math standards, Nowadays the number of students meeting mathematical standards has nearly tripled. One can take this to mean the new residents were simply smarter, but the truth lies deeper, one could point to new teachers as the cause for such a drastic increase.

Top 5 Elementary Schools in Tulare

  1. Mission Valley Elementary
  2. Cypress Elementary
  3. Pleasant Elementary
  4. Alpine Vista
  5. Garden Elementary

Top 5 Middle Schools in Tulare

  1. Live Oak Middle School
  2. Los Tules Middle School
  3. Mulcahy Middle School
  4. Cherry Avenue Middle School
  5. Alpline Vista

Top 5 High Schools in Tulare

  1. Tulare Technical Preparatory High School
  2. Tulare Union High School
  3. Accelerated Charter High School
  4. Mission Oak High School
  5. Tulare Western High School
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